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Background: This study was conducted to compare the performance of cognitive function tests among adolescent students involved in physical activities, video-gaming, and board-gaming groups.
Methods: A cohort of 300 participants (150 males and 150 females) were included in the study. The participants were divided into 3 groups (50 boys and 50 girls each) who were engaged regularly in physical activity, video gaming activity and board gaming activity respectively. The participants of all the groups were tested on selected neurocognitive tests from Wechsler Memory Scale – III (WMS – III) and NIMHANS Neuropsychological Battery. After acquiring baseline data, they were instructed to continue their respective gaming activities for a minimum of 2 hours each day. After 30 days of respective gaming activity, the battery of cognitive tests was administered again, and the pre and post results compared.
Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the subset scores of Tests for Visual Presentation (Faces I and II) in the boys and girls of the Physical Activity group and gaming group independently. The AVLT scores showed statistically significant difference between girls and boys who were engaged in 30 days of board or video gaming activity.
Conclusions: Our study shows that in the short term, there are differences in the cognitive performances of participants of the 3 groups of activities. Along-term follow-up study will help to differentiate the effect of these 3 activities upon cognitive function. Cognitive functions of young adults of both gender is influenced by physical and gaming activity.
Publication Date
JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research
Conflict of Interest
The authors state that we are free of any personal, or business, association(s) that could represent a conflict of interest regarding the article submitted, and we have respected the ethical principles underpinning the research.
Medical Students, Cognitive function, Gaming.
Word Count
Recommended Citation
Tazeem M, Ramachandran A, A Latiff A.
A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study Of select Cognitive Functions in Adolescent Medical Students Engaged in Physical Activities and Video Gaming.
Digital Journal of Clinical Medicine.
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