
Author ORCID Identifier


Corresponding Author

Dr. Vidya CS, vidyacs@jssuni.edu.in

Prerana Das


Polydactyly is a common congenital hand deformity. The limb buds are the precursor structures of the limbs. Their formation begins in the 4th week, with the activation of mesenchymal cells in the somatic layer of lateral plate mesoderm. As mesenchyme cells enter the limb region, they secrete factors that induce the overlying ectoderm to form a structure called the apical ectodermal ridge (AER). Polydactyly is the congenital deformities which is seen in 1000 births. To observe and study the various type of polydactyly in relation to the preaxial polydactyly and postaxial polydactyly with other classification. So, thumb polydactyly is a interphangeal synostosis and is classified by the Wassel type for the thumb duplication. Here we report a male patient aged 56 years who presented with h/o fever for routine treatment to medicine OPD, here we observed 6 fingers on both hands attached to thumb with no independent movement at interphangeal joint with no other gross congenital anomaly. No other family history with similar anomaly.

Publication Date

Winter 11-17-2023


JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research

Conflict of Interest



Thumb Duplication, Pre-axial Polydactyly, Interphalangeal synostosis.

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