
Author ORCID Identifier


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Imran Ahmed Khan



Community medicine, also known as Social and Preventive Medicine, is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on promoting and protecting the health and well-being of communities and populations. Unlike other medical specialties that primarily focus on individual patients, community medicine takes a broader approach, addressing the health needs of entire populations. The specialty of community medicine plays a vital role in clinical practice and public health. Its focus on prevention, population health, and evidence-based medicine makes it an essential discipline in improving the health and well-being of communities. Community-based medical education is of vital relevance in the modern change in healthcare from curative to promotive and preventive medicine. By embracing a holistic and community centered approach, community medicine contributes significantly to the overall health of populations and the advancement of public health systems. Community medicine personnel are also involved in various training programs. Their expertise in epidemiology and disease surveillance aids in identifying health trends, responding to disease outbreaks, and developing evidence-based interventions. Furthermore, community medicine specialists contribute to health policy and planning by conducting health needs assessments, formulating health promotion strategies, and ensuring effective disaster preparedness and response.

Publication Date



JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research

Conflict of Interest

None declared


Community health services, Immunization program, One Health, Needs assessment, Primary prevention, Public health, Quality of life

Word Count



Disclaimer: This article was already submitted and accepted for publication in the MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2394-7438; Online ISSN: 2395-0145). Unfortunately, the journal has not published its further issues for the last three issues (one year). One of the Editors advised me to withdraw and resubmit elsewhere. I have withdrawn and resubmitted to your esteemed journal.

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Declaration: The manuscript represents valid work and that neither this manuscript nor one with substantially similar content under the present authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere and the authorship of this article will not be contested by anyone whose name (s) is/are not listed here. The order of authorships placed here is final and accepted by the co-authors.



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