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Background: Aging is a natural process, and older age is a period in which most aspects of life require support from others. Globally, Depression is a serious public health concern among elderly populations. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of depression and its coping strategies among geriatric population and to evaluate the association between socio-demographic factors and level of depression.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 410 study participants in both rural and urban areas. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) was used to measure the depression and brief-COPE (28-items) scale was used to measure the coping strategies. Descriptive statistical measures like percentage, mean, median, and standard deviation has been applied. Chi-square tests/Fisher’s exact test were conducted to test the association between socio-demographic factors and level of depression.
Results: The study found 17.6% prevalence of depression among study participants. The study recorded the prevalence of depression was higher in rural area (19.1%) as compared to urban area (16.1%). The study observed problem focused coping was the most commonly used coping mechanisms whereas avoidant coping was the least commonly used coping mechanisms among the depressed geriatric population. The various factors associated with depression were age, marital status, types of family, living arrangement, occupation, and comorbid condition.
Conclusion: The prevalence of depression among the geriatric population was significantly high, more among in rural population as compared to urban population. Establishing accessible mental health service, including regular screening and counseling, can help to address this disparity.
Keywords: Geriatric, Prevalence, Depression, Coping Strategies, Socio-Demography
Publication Date
JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research
Conflict of Interest
Geriatric, Prevalence, Depression, Coping Strategies, Socio-Demography
Word Count
Recommended Citation
Negi M, M C S.
Prevalence of Depression and Its Coping Strategies Among Rural and Urban Geriatric Population.
Digital Journal of Clinical Medicine.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
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