
Author ORCID Identifier


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Pranshu Singh Panwar


INTRODUCTION: Osteochondroma is benign tumors of bone which usually occurs in long bones. Common locations proximal tibia, distal femur and proximal humerus. Metacarpals are rarely affected.

Case Report: Patient, 10 years old/boy came to JSS hospital with complaint of swelling and deformity over left hand for 2 years. After relevant clinical examination and radiological investigation, patient was diagnosed with synostoses of 5th metacarpal with 4th metacarpal. Patient was taken up deformity correction and intra-op patient was diagnosed as exostoses of 5th metacarpal. Post-op radiograph was taken. After 1-month ex-fix was removed. After 4 months follow up, deformity was corrected and patient achieved full ROM.

CONCLUSION: Although unusual, osteochondromas can present in the hand and need to be evaluated suspiciously. These are mostly asymptomatic but can present with pain, deformity and other pressure symptoms. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly evaluate the patients with bony swelling to correctly diagnose osteochondromas and manage accordingly and to monitor for sign of recurrence and malignancy.

Publication Date



JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research

Conflict of Interest

Nil conflict of interest


Metacarpal, Osteochondroma, exostoses, neoplasm

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