
International Journal of Health and Allied Sciences


Introduction: The increasing development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in medicine, driven by researchers and entrepreneurs, has led to enormous expectations for medical care advancement. This study aimed to develop and validate a questionnaire to explore the attitudes and perceptions of healthcare professionals and patients towards digital health technologies.

Methods: Questionnaires were developed based on an extensive literature search and expert opinions. The questionnaires were subjected to content and face validations. Multirater kappa coefficient of agreement was performed for determining interrater agreement.

Results: Two questionnaires were developed, one 11-item for healthcare professionals and 14-item for the general public. Seven out of ten items achieved acceptable universal agreement between experts for relevance (S-CVI/UA = 0.73) for the questionnaire for the general public. All ten items achieved acceptable universal agreement between experts for relevance (S-CVI/UA = 1.00). The average proportion of items judged as simple and clear in meaning across the ten raters was 99% and 100% for the general public and HCPs, respectively.

Conclusion: The Kappa for both the questionnaires for the general public and healthcare professionals was found to be > 0.74, which was excellent. The questionnaires were satisfactory for all proportion agreements (content validity) and kappa coefficient analyses.
