"Unveiling a Hidden Peril: Unanticipated Emergence of Diaphragmatic Her" by DEEPAK BENNY Dr, Deepak K. S Dr et al.

Document Type

Chest Imaging

Publication Title

Unveiling a Hidden Peril: Unanticipated Emergence of Diaphragmatic Hernia after Trauma


This case report presents a rare instance of a delayed diagnosis of obstructed diaphragmatic hernia in a 57-year-old male, a year after sustaining trauma. The patient initially presented with abdominal pain and obstipation, without any overt signs of diaphragmatic injury. Diagnostic challenges were compounded by the patient's non-specific symptomatology and the absence of immediate post-traumatic complications. The report discusses the clinical presentation, diagnostic imaging, and therapeutic management, underscoring the importance of considering diaphragmatic hernia in differential diagnoses of abdominal pain post-trauma. The case highlights the necessity for heightened clinical vigilance and the pivotal role of advanced imaging techniques in diagnosing such atypical presentations of traumatic diaphragmatic hernias.

Publication Date




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